Burn (Prompt)


There’s a promise that fire holds. It promises to burn, and yet we find it hurtful when we do wind up stinging, skin red and eyes tearing. It isn’t the fault of fire that we burn, yet it is the fault we have in distrusting its promise, believing it will be something else instead. Continue reading

Empty (or not)

A response to the daily promptĀ Empty.

It isn’t often at all, that I believe in signs and signals, but my brain loves patterns. I love connections and similarities and repeated occurrences I can pin a sign to, a signal of some sort. I’ve been seeing the word ’empty’ a lot. First, upon glancing at my bank balance and then hearing it uttered on the lips of someone I care for, and then reading about it whilst scrolling the endless sappy shared-on-Facebook-esque self-help articles. Now that I’ve seen it is also a prompt, I think the universe wants me to stare this word in the face and tackle it head on, and place it in the cosmos appropriately. Or maybe theĀ universe just wants to expand and do its thing, and I’m seeing a pattern that is instead the introspective side of myself going “HEY, EMPTY, THATS YOU. Continue reading